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Murder in the Cultural Gardens book - order here

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Mystery in Cleveland's
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Murder in AsiaTown - order on Amazon

Tall Ships Festival - Page 3
Port of Cleveland
July 4-7, 2013

Don't think that Tall Ships and sailing are just for the guys.

Little girl at wheel of Tall Ship in Cleveland

Dawn Santamaria is Founder & Executive Director of the Sisters Under Sail non-profit.

Dawn Santamaria of Sisters Under Sail

Dawn Santamaria of Sisters Under Sail

Dawn and her all female crew, the only all-female crew of the Tall Ships, sail the tall ship Unicorn.

Sisters Under Sail on Tallship Unicorn in Cleveland

Dawn saw the confidence and empowerment that her 4 daughters gained from sailing on the 110-foot tall ship so she created the program to help young women grow.

Dawn and her husband promote traditional tall ship sail training and the preservation of maritime history through youth and adult sail training and tall ship festivals.

Sisters Under Sail

Along with the Tall Ships, pirates, musicians and food there were historical artifacts such as cannon that drew great interest.

Cannon at Tall Ships Festival in Cleveland

Boy looking into Cannon at Tall Ships Festival in Cleveland

Girl at Cannon at Tall Ships Festival in Cleveland

Looking into Cannon at Tall Ships Festival in Cleveland

Other historical memorabilia included the Hanson torpedo truck crane on loan from the USS Cod.

Debbie Hanson and Hanson torpedo truck crane

Debbie Hanson with the Hanson (no relation) torpedo truck crane

There were also boating safety resources such as the United States Power Squadron. When you have '10 tons and no brakes' you need to follow safety rules.

Members of the United States Power Squadron (USPS) District 7 were at the Tall Ships Festival in the Port of Cleveland Ohio. They said that boating safety begins with professional inspections, always wearing a life jacket, and submitting a float plan.

District 7 was founded in 1937 and they currently have 12 squadrons covering portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

United States Power Squadron (USPS) District 7

United States Power Squadron (USPS) District 7

A USPS is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects.

The 2013 Tall Ships Festival was an amazing event. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Cleveland for bringing us the Tall Ships.

Captain Jack Sparrow pirate in Cleveland Tall Ships Festival

Captain Jack says see you next time

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