Murder in AsiaTown They're Back! Mystery in Cleveland's Chinatown and AsiaTown
NFL 2021 Draft in Cleveland April 23, 2021
The National Football League (NFL) is hosting the 2021 draft live in Cleveland. A stage is being created between First Energy Browns Stadium and the Great Lakes Science Center and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Stage for 2021 NFL Draft in Cleveland
On Mall C there are large helmets of all the NFL football teams.
Dan Hanson took a walk down the 2 aisles of helmets and identified each one including the helmet of the next Super Bowl Champion - the Cleveland Browns. (sorry about the wind noise in the video)
Enjoy these other photos from the Mall C NFL display.
Dan Hanson with Cleveland Browns helmet
Fans posing with the Chicago Bears helmet
Ohio State Buckeye and Cleveland Browns fan
Washington Football Team helmet - a few years ago there would be a Redskins logo on the helmet
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