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Murder in the Cultural Gardens
Whodunit Mystery
by Dan Hanson
set in the
Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Murder in the Cultural Gardens book - order here

Murder in AsiaTown
They're Back!
Mystery in Cleveland's
Chinatown and AsiaTown

Murder in AsiaTown - order on Amazon

Cleveland Events and Landmarks before 2018

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Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2017 NBA Finals

The defending NBA Champion Cleveland Cavaliers are in the 2017 NBA Finals. If you haven't been down to the Q here are some photos of the banners around the arena. Go Cavs! Defend the Land!

Lebron James - Defend the Land

Lebron James - Defend the Land

See more of the Cleveland Cavaliers Banners


Cleveland Public Square

If you haven't see the remodeled Public Square, here is a quick look. The four quadrants of Public Square are connected and features lots of green space, a restaurant, speaking area and water feature.

statue of Mayor Tom L Johnson in Cleveland

Statue of Mayor Tom L Johnson

statue of Mayor Tom L Johnson in Cleveland

See more of Cleveland Public Square


GE Nela Park Christmas Light Display 2015

Many of you may remember driving through the GE Nela Park campus on Noble Road in East Cleveland as a kid and being mesmerized by the amazing Christmas lighting display. While you haven't been able to drive through Nela Park for many years you can see the brilliant display along Noble Road. If you drive, be prepared for cars moving very slowly - and even stopping - as they ooh and aahh at the display. A better option is to pull into the Nela Park main road and park in one of the Visitor spots and walk along the display route.

It is another Cleveland treasure and should be visited in person. View some photos of the 2015 display to whet your appetite.

GE Nela Park Christmas Light Display 2015 in East Cleveland

Note the Chandelier in this Playhouse Square tribute

GE Nela Park Christmas Light Display 2015


100th anniversary of the birth of Cleveland Mayor Ralph J. Perk

Ralph J. Perk served as the 52nd mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. He was born on January 19, 1914 which makes this the 100th anniversary of his birth. A celebration commemorating the event was held on January 17, 2014 in the Michael Schwarz Library of Cleveland State University (CSU).

Richard Klein, Rocky Perk, Mary Rose Oakar, Taras Szmalaga,  Irene Morrow and Vlad Rus

Richard Klein, Rocky Perk, Mary Rose Oakar,
Taras Szmalaga, Irene Morrow and Vlad Rus

See more from the 100th anniversary celebration


The last Eggshelland - 2013

Ron and Betty Manolio have been commemorating Easter and entertaining the community with Eggshelland since 1957. Ron Manolio passed away last year so Betty and the kids and grandkids decided there should be one last Eggshelland as a tribute to Ron and to thank the community. Enjoy the photos and videos from the last Eggshelland.

Eggshelland 2013 in Lyndhurst Ohio

Tall Ships Festival

July 4-7, 2013

The Port of Cleveland Tall Ships Festival was presented by The Rotary Club of Cleveland on July 4 - 7, 2013. The Festival showcased the diverse Great Lakes maritime history, spotlighting environmental themes while promoting youth leadership through sail training.

Pirate girls

Photos and video from the Tall Ships Festival

Sisters Under Sail - Women Sailors

Don't think that Tall Ships and sailing are just for the guys.

Dawn Santamaria and her all female crew, the only all-female crew of the Tall Ships, sail the tall ship Unicorn. Dawn saw the confidence and empowerment that her 4 daughters gained from sailing on the 110-foot tall ship so she created the program to help young women grow.

Little girl at wheel of Tall Ship in Cleveland

Photos and video of Women and Girls at the Tall Ships Festival


2012 Spring Fabulous Food Show

Bust of Mark Twain

Sculptor Frank Jirouch created the bust in 1935 and schoolchildren from Hawken School restored it to the American Cultural Garden in Cleveland in 2012.

Mark Twain bust in Cleveland Cultural Garden

See more and take a virtual tour of the Mark Twain bust

Public Square Holiday Display 2012

Christmas display in downtown Cleveland on Public Square

Chinese Year of the Dragon
Public Art in Cleveland
See all the Dragons and then you can Vote for your Favorite if you want

Vibrant Existence Dragon Public Art

Cleveland Indians Snow Days
Progressive Field - Ice Hockey Rink, Batterhorn and more

Cleveland Indians Snow Days - Page 2
Indians Mascots having fun at Snow Days

Frozen Diamond hockey rink at Cleveland Indians Snow Days

Cleveland Browns Kardiac Kids
Coach Sam Rutigliano and players Greg Pruitt, Mike Pruitt and Don Cockroft talk about 1980

University Heights Memorial Day Parade
Chaired by Cleveland Senior Anita Kazarian

Big Chuck and Lil John Ghoulardifest
Hoolihan, Dick Goddard, Big Chuck, Son of Ghoul and more

Ghoulardifest 2010 Cleveland Oktoberfest
Photos and Music from the Labor Day event

Cleveland National Air Show
Labor Day Weekend 2010


Flag Day 2011
US Army 236th birthday celebration

Sons of the American Revolution

Sons of the American Revolution at Flag Day 2011

University Heights Memorial Day Parade
Chaired by Cleveland Senior Anita Kazarian

Parade the Circle in University Circle
Photos and Videos from June 12, 2010

EGGSHELLAND Easter Egg Display
Photos and Video of the annual tradition in Lyndhurst

Horse Fest 2009 at Lake Farmparks
Fun for the whole family

Zap! Pow! Bam! The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950
Superman, Batman & more at the Maltz Museum

Israel: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage through June 29
Photos and more info on the exhibit

Listen to Maltz Museum Executive Director Judi Feniger speak about the exhibit

Chocolate: The Exhibition
Great Lakes Science Center

St. Patrick's Day Parade
Cleveland 2008

Raisin' Canes Vaudeville Troupe
From the Parma Seniors Center

Snolympics at Cleveland Indians Snow Days
Media preview at Progressive Field

Cleveland Indians Snow Days
Winter Fun at Progressive Field
November 26, 2010 - January 2, 2011

Cleveland Indians Snow Days


Big Chuck and Lil John Ghoulardifest
Hoolihan, Dick Goddard, Big Chuck, Son of Ghoul and more


2010 Cleveland Oktoberfest
Photos and Music from the Labor Day event

Cleveland National Air Show
Labor Day Weekend 2010

Year of the Tiger sculptures
Public Art in Cleveland - which is your favorite?

Chinese Year of the Tiger Cleveland Public Art Sculptures - photos by Dan Hanson

Parade the Circle in University Circle
Photos and Videos from June 12, 2010

Cleveland Indians 2010 Season at Progressive Field
Are you fan enough for the Fan Cave?

EGGSHELLAND Easter Egg Display
Photos and Video of the annual tradition in Lyndhurst

2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
Preview from skating stars Carol Heiss Jenkins and Tonia Kwiatkowski

Great Big Home & Garden Expo
I-X Center - February 6-14.

Greater Cleveland Sports Awards
Renaissance Ballroom February 3, 2010

Cleveland Indians at Progressive Field
60 years since the 1948 World Series win


Senior Olympics 2009
24th Annual Event included a 97 year old competitor

Horse Fest 2009 at Lake Farmparks
Fun for the whole family

Bruce Springsteen Exhibit Preview Party
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum - 03-31-09

Cleveland Indians 2009 Season at Progressive Field
Herb Score tribute and more

Baseball Hall of Famer Henry 'Hank' Aaron
Yoder Brothers Memorial Scholarship Dinner - 03-06-09

Zap! Pow! Bam! The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950
Superman, Batman & more at the Maltz Museum

Israel: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage through June 29
Photos and more info on the exhibit

Listen to Maltz Museum Executive Director Judi Feniger speak about the exhibit


Chocolate: The Exhibition
Great Lakes Science Center

St. Patrick's Day Parade
Cleveland 2008

Mercedes Karpinksi Spotts
Receives Dean's Distinguished Alumni Award


Photos from the Cleveland Sports Awards 1-29-07
Bob Feller, Austin Carr, Carol Heiss & more

See Photos of Cleveland Seniors (know anyone?)
From Senior Day at the Zoo

See Photos from the Cleveland National Air Show
Labor Day Weekend 2006

See Photos from the Go Red for Women
Renaissance Hotel 2-2-07

Dancing with the Stars
Menorah Park Adult Day Care Center 3-27-07

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