When I saw the title of The Gordonston Ladies Dog Walking Club
, I assumed that the "Club" would follow the familiar pattern and consist of some little old ladies and their pooches who solved mysteries that stumped the local police. It turns out the 3 living members (one just passed away) of the Club were actually part of the intrigue as well as every other character that set foot in the park where the dogs got their exercise.
It took a little while to follow the flow of the book. Any given chapter may have the same account told from the perspective of many characters. Until you learned enough about the many characters, it was difficult. But it was worth it when it all came together. (Though I was constantly confusing the characters of Carla and Cindy)
The plot twists and turns are certainly exaggerated (the man in Argentina, the Organization, the coincidence of the Paris participants, etc.) but it made for very entertaining reading. My mind often wandered to who would play these characters on TV or in a movie.
As the book progressed I did skip some of the non-essentials when reading about a scene from yet another character's perspective. Maybe that was because I was eager to see the next twist.
The way the book ended I am not sure the author can come up with the next in the series but if he does, I will certainly read it. It was fun.
Reviewed by Dan Hanson
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