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Cleveland Blues Vintage Baseball
League Park - 9/11/2010

"Well struck, Sir"

"Two hands down"

"Striker to the Line"

Phrases such as these could be heard at historic League Park at East 66th and Lexington in Cleveland on Saturday, September 11th as the Cleveland Blues Base Ball Club played the Crossing Rails of Alliance.

The teams play by 1860 baseball rules such as:

The Cleveland Blues Base Ball Club is a Vintage Base Ball Club patterned after the Cleveland Blues Base Ball Club of the National League.

Vintage Base Ball is a league that plays ball according to rules of the game in the 1860's. Teams play in uniforms and use equipment from the time period.

Watch as Arbiter (umpire) Andy "Iron Horse" Dobrovic explains some of the differences in the Vintage and Modern game of baseball.

Learn more about the Cleveland Blues and enjoy these photos from the games at League Park.

Cleveland Blues Baseball Club banner

Cleveland Blues Baseball Club vs Crossing Rails

The striker (batter), Arbiter (umpire) and behind (catcher)

Cleveland Blues Baseball Club 2010

Cleveland Blues Baseball Club

Crossing Rails Baseball Club

Crossing Rails Baseball Club

Cleveland Blues Baseball Club lineup

Cleveland Blues lineup

Cleveland Blues Jay 'Tomahawk' Demagall

Cleveland Blues Jay 'Tomahawk' Demagall

Cleveland Blues Matt 'Duke' Endersby

Matt "Duke" Endersby makes the catch

Cleveland Blues vintage baseball arbiter

When the Arbiter makes a decision, there is no argument

Cleveland Blues vs Crossing Rails

Making the play at First Base

Cleveland Blues 'Constable' Dan Bing First base

Cleveland Blues 'Constable' Dan Bing

Cleveland Blues Ken 'Hammer' Schutz

Cleveland Blues Ken 'Hammer' Schutz

Crossing Rails Baseball Club batter

Crossing Rails Striker

No lead offs in Vintage Baseball

No lead offs in Vintage Baseball

Crossing Rails player rings the bell after a score

Crossing Rails player rings the bell after a score

Cleveland Blues and Crossing Rails players shake hands after a game

Cleveland Blues and Crossing Rails players shake hands after a gentleman's game of Vintage Baseball

League Park Center in Cleveland Ohio

Vintage Baseball with the Cleveland Blues at League Park

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