Catholics In Cleveland
Visit our on-line Catholic Store Books, Music, Rosaries, First Communion and More
See more of Catholics in Cleveland
Keep Christ in Christmas
 Remember the Reason for the Season with this wristband
Diocese of Cleveland Website
The Catholic Vote The 2008 Fest Information and lots of photos from the Fest
Pray the Angelus three times daily with this musical and visual guide. Promote the Angelus to strengthen faith.
Please do not see the Golden Compass Movie
The Catholic League has condemned it for bashing Christianity and promoting atheism
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine & Grotto
Info and Photos from this amazing Shrine
Bless your home on Epiphany
By blessing your doorway
Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland
Prayer Line and new Online Prayer Requests
Blessing of the Pets
October 13, 2007
St Philomena Annual Parish Rib-off 2007
Photos from the East Cleveland Church event
A sung, Scriptural novena to prepare for the opening of the Year of St. Paul.
Christ the King Annual Parish Picnic 2007
Photos from the East Cleveland Church event
The 2007 Fest
Information and lots of photos from the Fest
Catholic Humor
The secret Catholic words explained
Hidden Treasures
of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
The Prayer that Satan hates by Mother Angelica
Rediscovering the Rosary
A new book based on Pope John Paul's devotion
Obituary from Jerusalem Newspaper Dated 33 A.D.
The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Helen D. Schubert Concert Series - New Season Free and Open to the Public
Profiles of Cleveland Catholics
Sister Ann Patrick Adams From Superior to Seoul, Sister Ann Teaches & Serves
Sister Mary Assumpta Batting 1.000 for Seniors
Helen Bacon This Nurse's Charity began at Home but extends to the World
Gloria Karpinski Battisti A soulful woman finding solutions in a troubled world
Barb Brown A Life of Fate and Faith
Sister Maureen Burke In the "habit" of leading young women
Emmanuel Carreira SJ, PhD Renaissance Man of Philosophy and Light
Dr. Ted Castele TV's first News Doctor made over a billion house calls
Bob Cerminara Well Dressed and Well Respected
Mary Ann Corrigan Davis Survivor leaves business world for the school she loves
Larry Dolan Baseball has always been his game
Virgil Dominic He recognized his destiny and shared its blessings
Mike Douglas Ground-breaking Talk Show host and Class Act
Dick Dugan From ink to paper to smiles
John Feighan Spreading good will from Moriartys to Murray Hill
Mary Fitzpatrick Overcame tragedy through Faith, Family & Friends
Margie Flynn Doing Well by Doing Good
Diane Karpinski The Appealing Judge of the Court of Appeals
Helen Karpinski Pioneer for Women in Politics
Sandy Lesko Cleveland's Communications Pro
Dino Lucarelli Love of, and Loved By, the Cleveland Browns
Bridget McCafferty Knows the Law, Loves the People
Fr. John McCarthy Around the World by Rail and Sail
Gerald McFaul Cleveland's own Marshall Dillon
John Murphy That Smiling Irishman
Ed Mugridge From Cape Town to Zanzibar to Trinidad to Cleveland!
Gino Paoloni He brings good things to life
Robert Prohaska From Pollywog to a real 'Pro"
Sam Rutigliano A Coach of Football - and of Life
Claire Schmidt A WAVE and a Lady
Mercedes Karpinski Spotts Tending to the business of the courts, community and family
Ralph Tarsitano Picture Perfect from Collinwood
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