Ed Hurley Father of the Year - 2005
Ed Hurley was born "a long time ago" (July 23, 1922) on East 93rd Street in Cleveland. He, like most people born at that time, was born at home. He is the second youngest of 6 children. Ed's paternal grandfather came from Ireland when Ed's father was only 2. His mom's parents came to this country in 1837. The family started off in Western Pennsylvania because they would only go somewhere that had a Catholic mission.
Ed Hurley in 1941
Ed is a proud graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas Grade School (Class of '35); Cathedral Latin High School (Class of '39) and John Carroll University. Ed had only finished 3 years at John Carroll when he went into the Army/Air Force. (They were not separate branches of the military at that time).Like many from this generation, Ed is reluctant to speak about his time in the service. He'd much rather talk about his family and friends.
Ed Hurley, Jack Gunn and Tom McNally at Camp Perry, OH on their 2nd day in the Army
He still considers himself to be part of the John Carroll Class of '43 even though he didn't receive his degree until he went back after 3 years in the service. His degree is a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry. People who know him and have heard him speak would agree he has also earned a degree in Philosophy from the School of Life.
Ed and crew in Normandy
In Normandy
The plane Ed flew
Ed was never without a job. During his freshman and sophomore years at John Carroll he worked for a man by the name of Nate Weisberg. Mr. Weisberg was the first man to bring slot machines into Cuyahoga County - and they were perfectly legal at the time. He also had pinball machines that paid out in cash! Ed's job was to take the repair calls and other such calls. Eventually the City Government decided they didn't want gambling here and closed them all down which cost Ed his job.
Ed was a friend of a number of the siblings of his future wife, Mary Terese Garry, but only vaguely knew her from the Aquinas Club at their parish.
Mary Terese and her cousin
Thanksgiving Day, 1946 one of her brothers was married and that evening Ed and Mary Terese had their first date. Mary Terese was attending Ursuline College at the time.
By April, 1947 they were engaged and married July 17, 1948.
Honeymoon in Niagra Falls
During the end of his time at John Carroll, Ed went to work at nights for ADT Security Company. He was promoted to night watch supervisor after only 3 weeks.
Soon after he took a job as a pharmaceutical rep for Wyeth Inc. They had an opening for a position that required he spend about half of his year in Toledo and half in Cleveland. After 3 years he went on to Bristol Labs for a year. Finally in 1951 he went to work for AH Robbins and stayed with them for 39 years until his retirement in May, 1990.
Ed Hurley with co-workers
At that time he was making $150 a month and all of northeast Ohio was his territory. "The area was so large that I could really only call on customers every two to three months."
Meanwhile, Ed and Mary Terese were starting what was destined to be a very large family.
Their children are as follows: Kevin (Kevin died while he was a student at John Carroll in October, 1968); Timmy (married with 3 children); Brian (married with 3 children); Mary K.; Terese Anne ; Patty (married with 2 children); Maureen (married with 2 children): Danny (married with 2 children); Michael; Terry (Michael's twin. Terry died in December, 1999) and; Bob (Boo) (married with 2 children). In case you lost count, that's eleven children and fourteen grandchildren!
"In those days milk was delivered to the door and our milk order was 19 quarts every other day!"
Ed and Mary Terese have been living in their Euclid, Ohio home for 43 years and they treasure the neighborhood and their neighbors to this day.
The Hurley House
Ed has always been involved in civic, community and Church activities. Through his parish, Holy Cross Catholic Church (where he goes to daily Mass), he is a member of the Holy Name Society and the choir. He is also an usher and has taught CCD (classes in religion for those who do not attend Catholic Schools). He was President of the very first parish council at Holy Cross. He is a member of the Right to Life Society and Catholics United for the Faith. This is a national organization centered in Steubenville.
 He worked on the first gubernatorial campaign for George Voinovich, who referred to Ed as "one of his twelve apostles."
Ed is very active in the Alumni associations for the schools he attended as well as the Father associations for the schools his children attended (Notre Dame, Ignatius and Regina). He made sure he went to all of the parent meetings at the school and took an active role in his children's upbringing. His children were interested in sports, so he went to as many games as possible.
Ed and Mary Terese
with son Danny and family
As he starts to tell you about one child and their accomplishments he quickly tells you about another and before he's done you have no doubt how proud he is of each and every one of his children. He beams equally bright regardless which one he is talking about.
One of Ed and Mary Terese's children, Terry, suffered from a sever case of H. Flu Meningitis and as a result the Hurley's devoted a lot of time to his care. There is no resentment about the time spent, they both feel blessed that they were given the opportunity to be with their son and take care of him.
Ed placed a high priority on the education of his children. He included in the term "education" not only academics (although that was very, very important) but also their education in being responsible members of society.
Ed with fellow JCU alums
All of the children worked and paid a large portion of their way through college.
However, nothing is as important to Ed as his faith. "I am most proud that all of my children have kept and practice their faith."
Ed has established a number of scholarship funds for various Catholic schools and supports others. He started the Kevin Hurley Scholarship at John Carroll. (As a result of a gift left in the recent will of his brother-in-law, Bob Garry, the Scholarship will soon be renamed to acknowledge Bob Garry's contribution in honor of Kevin). This scholarship is awarded to a student from Benedictine High School. Ed recently received the John Carroll Magis Society award for "Overall support of the University."
Ed receiving an award from JCU
He has established a similar fund at St. Ignatius and is a strong supporter of both Benedictine and Regina as well as Villa Angela-St. Joe's and Padre Pio Academy.
He believes in the importance of Catholic education. "It was Catholic schools that educated me and Mary Terese and all of my children.
Ed and Mary Terese Hurley with granddaughter Shaelin
It is worth ten times more than we ever paid. It helped in all of our formation and reinforces our Catholic faith."
His children know the importance he places on Catholic education and have been known to make donations in his name to these schools rather than give him another tie on a holiday or birthday.
Given the opportunity to talk to children growing up today Ed would advise them to pray daily. In addition he says, "Try to learn daily why you are here, beyond making a living.
Take your responsibilities - whatever they are - seriously."
Ed and Mary Terese
Ed believes that the challenges in today's secular world make it "very difficult to keep the daily duties and eternal requirements in balance." He goes on to say "Remember what your goal is, no matter what your daily challenges are."
Ed is also an avid reader, or as Mary Terese says, "a little too avid". When he retired in 1990 the children gave them a trip to Ireland.
Mary Terese Hurley
Other than that he has not traveled much but did go to Haiti for his daughter, Mary's 45th birthday. Mary works with the Missionaries of Charity, the order of Blessed Mother Theresa.
Ed is a wonderful story teller and has a phenomenal memory for dates, people, places - everything. Listening to him talk is not only entertaining but educational. He can speak on subjects ranging from theology to philosophy to sports and everything in between and he will never miss a beat.
Mary Terese and Ed
He is proud of his wife and children, and they can be proud of him as well. He is a man of character and faith. He is the man so many of us strive to be - he walks his talk and puts his life in God's hands.
Ed Hurley - ClevelandSeniors.com
Father of the Year 2005
Eleven children were lucky to be able to call him "Dad". Everyone who meets him is lucky to call him "Friend".
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