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Murder in the Cultural Gardens book - order here

Murder in AsiaTown
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Mystery in Cleveland's
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Murder in AsiaTown - order on Amazon

Bob "Hoolihan" Wells

Since the ClevelandSeniors.Com profile of Bob 'Hoolihan' Wells, much has happened including the tragic passing of Bob's beloved wife Barb.

Let's let Bob tell us in his own words:

Well, a few things have happened since we last "corresponded". Most important, of course, is losing Barbara to cancer August 28th of this year (2007), after 51 years of loving marriage.

I was her caretaker, needless to say, and it was so sad to see my precious light flicker out, almost day by day, until 4 o'clock on that bittersweet day, when she left me, but went home to be with the Lord.

On a brighter note, I did have the privilege of returning to the Cleveland area twice this year, after an 8-year absence. Over Labor Day, I attended the most recent GhoulardiFest, with Big Chuck and Li'l John, and all the assorted crazies, at the Medina Fair Grounds. This was very much with mixed feelings, because I had lost Barb only 4 days earlier, but we had talked about it, and she made me promise that I would fulfill my commitments.

The second of those commitments was on October 7th, to come up to Fairlawn, outside of Akron, to become inducted into the Radio/Television Broadcasters Hall of Fame of Ohio.

It was a real kick, with Big Chuck and Li'l John introducing me, along with a 4-minute video of our Hoolihan and Big Chuck days, and then me giving a little 3:30 chat. I told them that there was a empty chair at our table, which would have had Barb sitting in it, but let's face it, she's got the best seat in the house.

It was especially meaningful for me, that weekend, because Teri, our eldest daughter, and Rob, our son, flew in from Nashville and Chicago, respectively, to join me in the celebration. Our youngest daughter Tricia, couldn't join us from Seattle, because she was busy celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary with husband, David, at Disneyland, in Anaheim, CA.

It was also a real kick to meet all the other inductees, including a 97-year old lady from Dayton, who started her news-interviewing career during World War II !

I'm still busy, here in Clearwater, FL, doing commercials from my home, and various recording studios around the area, performing in a regional professional theater, the Show Palace Dinner Theater, up in Hudson, FL, and just got cast in a new SAG movie, "The Message", which will shoot soon, and should be released right after Christmas.

As part of my efforts to "give back", I'm using my reading talents to go to a local elementary school each week, as part of the SAG Bookpals group, and read stories to two 3rd-grade classes...and, the same day, take part in one-on-one tutoring in math and reading to a 3rd-grade member of our church, 1st United Methodist, in Tarpon Springs.

Thanks for "listening", and God Bless!


Some pictures from the GhoulardiFest 2007

Hoolihan and Big Chuck

Hoolihan and Big Chuck

Hoolihan in a nightcap

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Little John Rinaldi

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Little John

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Little John Rinaldi

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Little John

Bob Hoolihan Wells shares a story with Big Chuck Schodowski and Little John Rinaldi at the Ghoulardifest in Medina

Bob Hoolihan Wells shares a story with Big Chuck Schodowski and Little John Rinaldi at the Ghoulardifest in Medina in September 2007

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Big Stash

Big Chuck, Hoolihan and Big Stash

Big Stash from the Hoolihan and Big Chuck skits

Big Stash from the Hoolihan and Big Chuck skits

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