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Murder in the Cultural Gardens
Whodunit Mystery
by Dan Hanson
set in the
Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Murder in the Cultural Gardens book - order here

Murder in AsiaTown
They're Back!
Mystery in Cleveland's
Chinatown and AsiaTown

Murder in AsiaTown - order on Amazon

Memories and Stories
By and For Cleveland Seniors

Remember Euclid Beach? The Sterling-Lindner Christmas Tree? Shopping at Higbee's and Halle's and May's? Tax Stamps? League Park? 3 world championships in 1948?

In this section you will be taken back to relive some of these and other memories by people who lived them. Share your own memories via E-Mail at:


Chat with Pat
Remember? Agree? Disagree? Let Pat Hanson (and others)know

Dear Webby
Advice from our opinionated, but gentle, columnist

Amy Kenneley Columns
Growing up in the 50's to wife, mother, grandmother

Maury Feren Columns
The Fruit Expert (born in 1915) has advice that is current today

Joe Meissner Columns
View from this Green Beret Vietnam Veteran and Attorney

Ron Kitson Columns
Traveler, Train Lover and Canadian Veteran

Memories and Stories

Mrs. Garrett's Front Porch by Darrell Smith

A seven-year-old kid from West Virginia, living on the near east side of Cleveland, Ohio, never imagined he would spend the bulk of the summer of 1957 with his ninety-seven-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Garrett. She was a woman with a most colorful life story that includes, for starters, being born a slave in 1860. After a tumultuous meeting they warm up to each other and become fast friends through sharing and story-telling, looking at the world, past and present and all done from her front porch. She experienced first-hand the wondrous results of advancements in chemistry, modern science and technology. The world was spellbound by the marvelous inventions of the day and yet she had to navigate an existence in post-bellum America during Reconstruction and into the 20th Century. Now, her life was coming to an end and his was just beginning.

Although Mrs. Garrett’s Front Porch was written more than 30 years ago, due to its historical perspective, it is as relevant today, as it was thirty years ago and would have been in 1957. It’s time travel without a machine – it’s about awakening our imaginings concerning life before our time and life that comes after our time - the beauty of what was, is and what will be is explored… but that may be just what I got out of it.

Mrs. Garrett's Front Porch by Darrell Smith

McDonalds menu in 1972

McDonalds menu in 1972

Manners Big Boy Menu from back in the day
Can you believe the prices?

Jack Graney to receive Frick Award at Baseball Hall of Fame
Cleveland Indians player and broadcaster

Cleveland Mayor Ralph J. Perk remembered

Interview with Judge Ralph Perk Jr. in the Czech Cultural Garden in Cleveland about his father the late Mayor Ralph J. Perk. Mayor Perk was a leader in regionalism (Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Regional Transit Authority, etc.) but maybe best known for his love of and support of the ethnic communities. He started the All Nations Festival in Cleveland and worked to start and then lead the American Nationalities Movement. The ANM led to the designation of Captive Nations Week in the 3rd week of July by every president from Eisenhower to Trump.

Eleanor Roosevelt (portrayal) at Noble Road Library reopening
History comes to life

Remember Martha Raye?
Did you know she did more than sing and act?

Remember Ghoulardi?
2010 Ghoulardifest with Hoolihan, Dick Goddard, Big Chuck, Lil John, Son of Ghoul and more

Famous Times Square Kiss on V-J Day
Recreated in Cleveland 65 years later

USS Cod World War II Submarine
Photos and a video of a submarine veteran

Terminal Tower Observation Deck
Photos and a video of Cleveland from the 42nd Floor

Terminal Tower Observation Deck
More Photos of Cleveland from the 42nd Floor

Smokey the Bear turns 65
Only YOU can prevent forest fires

Boy Scouts of America
100 Years of Scouting celebrated at St. Patrick's Day Parade

Flour Sack Dress from the 1930's
Memories from when things were saved and re-used

Anthony and the Magic Picture Frame
By Michael S. Class - Book review
Lindbergh, Edison, the Depression, lots more

Gimme Rewrite, Sweetheart . . .
Tales From the Last Glory Days of Cleveland Newspapers
Told By The Men and Women Who Reported the News

F.W. Woolworth menu
Can you believe these prices?

Eagles Over Berlin by Kati Fabian
Historical novel about the Berlin Blockade and Airlift

The Ohio National Guard at work in Iraq
1-137 FARPs offer helicopter oasis

Incredible photo from 1918
18,000 soldiers form Human Statue of Liberty

USS New York
Ship built with scrap steel from the World Trade Center

Budweiser Clydesdale Horses
What happens now that Anheuser Busch was sold?

World War II Posters
That you mght have not seen before

Scouts retire US flags on Flag Day 2009
at Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland

London Bridge is Falling Down
Remember playing and singing that rhyme?

65th Anniversary of D-Day at Normandy
Never forget June 6, 1944

Sin while you can
Mary considers the Seven Deadly Sins

82nd Airborne Veterans in Cleveland
Pictures from their monthly breakfast

School in 1958 vs. Now
How situations are handled differently

Tech Terror by Gloria Hanson
Tech terror strikes in a senior's heart

Collinwood School Fire of 1908
172 students, 2 teachers and 1 rescuer died

How To Hide An Airplane Factory
World War II photos - the Army Corps of Engineers needed to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant

The Maintenance Trap
Aging sure takes a lot of time and effort!

They Tore Down League Park
Part 3 by Rick Bloom

They Tore Down League Park
Part 2 by Rick Bloom

They Tore Down League Park
Part 1 by Rick Bloom

Historic US Military Uniforms, Buffalo Soldiers
and a tribute to Pamela Donovan

Fender Skirts and other words
That Seem to have Disappeared

Do you remember the great snowfall of 1950?
Over 23" fell that Thanksgiving weekend

Gloria attends her 50th High School Reunion
"You haven't changed a bit"

Goodbye, Spudnut Shop
by M.M. Byrne

ChrisKwanChanumas Notes
Mary reads a Mall Santa's Diary

Oh! Christmas Tree
The Rockefeller Center tree gets Ron thinking

Old Geezers are easy to spot
Thank God for Old Geezers

March to a Different Drumstick
Mary recalls Mom's questionable cooking skills

Nursing Home Romp
The Boomer Rumor Rag - October 2007

Bran to be Wild
Baby Boomers on Bikes?

I was drugged as a child
I bet you were too

A Christmas/Hanukkah Story
By Sy Rosen

Keep your Fork
Something better is coming

Growing up in Ducktown - Part 3
Shopping & Driving in a simpler time

Only One Grandpa
Martha never had it easy

Growing up in Ducktown - Part 2
Working at Richman Brothers, the icebox and kids at play

Growing up in Ducktown - Part 1
Near Harvard and East 71st

Tomb of the Unknowns
At Arlington National Cemetery

Walter F. McMahon
A memorial tribute

A Bear of a Man
Slim - the Cub Bear

An Alien's Report
on a visit to Cleveland

A Spelling Bee Confession from 1946?
by James F Sweeney

Attic Memories
by Betty Cessna

Old Letters
by Betty Cessna

Rekindling Romance
By Sy Rosen

Daughters and Fathers
By Sy Rosen

A Fathers' Day Gift for Grandfathers (to Give!)
by David Kundtz

The Art of the Weave
And other Tricks to handle Advancing Age

You Want To Be What Age?
By Sy Rosen

Mel Harder
The Pride of the Indians

Jack Frost
by Betty Cessna

The Lady in the Mirror
by Betty Cessna

A Stroll down Memory Lane
Remember When?

Grandma Shoes
A fun look at changing fashion

Rally for America
Pictures from the March 2,2003 event to Support our Troops

Remember the words we used?

Christmas Memories
By Pat Hanson

December 7th, 1941 - Pearl Harbor
Sixty One Years ago - the world changed forever

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
Honor Our Fallen

Christmas Eve 1944
A Miracle on 32nd Street? by James F Sweeney

War Time Baseball by Jim Sweeney
Cleveland Indians in the early 40's

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