Joint Veterans Commission Of Cuyahoga County with Base Cleveland Veterans Committee, Cuyahoga Community College, and City of Cleveland shared in a commemoration of Veterans Day 2013 at Cleveland City Hall.
Color Guard

Cleveland Safety Director Martin Flask welcomed the crowd to the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall for the celebration of Veterans Day 2013.
Martin Flask and Mayor Jackson
Director Flask then introduced Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, a Vietnam veteran, who presented a proclamation to the Greater Cleveland Fisher House for Veterans.
Master of Ceremonies and Vietnam Combat Veteran Tom Sweeney said that never again will one generation turn its back on veterans.
Tom Sweeney
He told of the Fisher House of Greater Cleveland which stepped in to help veterans when the government was shut down. Soldiers and their families from across the nation are sent to the Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center for treatment of the physical and psychological wounds of war. But many of our wounded warriors cannot bring their wives, husbands, children or parents with them while they receive treatment because they cannot afford the cost of lodging while they get the care they so desperately need.
The Greater Cleveland Fisher House has committed to raising funds to build veterans and their families a home where they can stay at no cost while their loved ones get the help they need.
Rick DeChant, Executive Director of Veteran Services and Programs at Cuyahoga Community College, told how 24,000 returning veterans have attended Tri-C. 1 in 29 students has served or is serving. He thanked AT&T and other corporations for supporting this initiative in a ceremony in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall for the celebration of Veterans Day 2013.
Rick DeChant
The JVCOCC presented "In service to Veterans and Community Awards" as follows:
The Keynote speaker was Rear Admiral Fred M. Midgette, Commander U. S. Coast Guard Ninth District.
Rear Admiral Fred M. Midgette
Rear Admiral Fred Midgette assumed duty as the Ninth Coast Guard District Commander in June 2013. He is the senior Coast Guard commander for the five Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Seaway, which includes 1,500 miles of international border. He leads 6,000 Coast Guard active duty, reserve, civilian and auxiliary men and women serving at 77 subordinate units and on the District staff. His previous assignment was as Military Advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security where he supported the Secretary in affairs relating to the coordination and execution of policy and operations between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.
He is a Coast Guard Cutterman, and a U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer having served over 12 years afloat in seven Coast Guard Cutters and a Navy Destroyer. Prior assignments in the Great Lakes included duty as Chief of Staff of the Ninth Coast Guard District; Sector Commander and Captain of the Port of Detroit; and Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Cutter KATMAI BAY in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. He also served in a number of joint and liaison positions including tours on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon; with the legacy U.S. Customs Service; and as a liaison officer to U.S. Northern Command.
Rear Admiral Midgette is a native of Virginia Beach, VA and he holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Coast Guard Academy), a Masters of Science in Management (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies (Naval War College).
Lisa Padro-Baire sang God Bless America in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall on Veterans Day 2013.
Lisa Padro-Baire
Commander Jeffrey S. Plummer, US Navy Chaplain, US Coast Guard Ninth District, gave the benediction in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall at the conclusion of Veterans Day 2013.
Commander Jeffrey S. Plummer and Mayor Frank Jackson
Enjoy these other images from Veterans Day 2013 in Cleveland City Hall.
Awardees with Mayor Jackson
Gold Star Mom Eloise Golden
(her son Richard was killed in Vietnam)
Franklins, Color Guard, Cimperman and Ray Saikus
Ron Schwachenwald, president JVCOCC
Commander Jeffrey S. Plummer, US Navy Chaplain,
US Coast Guard Ninth District
Sgt. Ron Corvett (Marines 6 years Vietnam) and
Sgt. Jan Sroka (Marine 4 yrs Vietnam)
Corvett said " "When we came back we were pooped on. People took it out on the warriors not the politicians. We were afraid to wear our uniforms."
Lt. Davey Connor, US Coast Guard Publicity Office
Susan Feuhrer, Medical Center Director VA,
and Peg Mason, Cleveland VA
Petty Officers Bellon and Lucas
John D. Cimperman, Rear Admiral Fred Midgette,
Commander Jeffrey Plummer and Tom Sweeney
Ray Saikus and Tom Sweeney
Wardsey Gates, Program Director CCC Veterans Upward Bound,
Alan Henry and Rick DeChant, CCC Veterans Inititative
Molly Carlin, President of Cleveland American Veterans Association, Lucy Stickan, Senator Rob Portman’s Office, Judge Pamela Barker, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas and Peggy Mason, Cleve. Am. Veterans Association
Alan Henry and Ron Schwachenwald
John H. And Elizabeth W. Franklin
Cleveland Veterans Day Honorees and Speakers
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