Thye say that computers and other modern technology are easy. But that's not always the case. Consider this statement that a comedian told: I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Sometimes you need a little help to figure something out or to get the most out of one of your devices. Feel free to send in your questions and we will do our best to answer them. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question, except the one you don't ask!
If it is a question that is very specific to you, it may not get posted on this website. The questions that will have value to other people as well have a better chance of being posted.
We know that seniors are very active in the technology world (as dramatized in the funny story below) and don't want to be left behind. So e-mail us your questions.
A while back, I got a call at about 10:45 PM. It was my mother and she had a very worried tone of voice.
"Bob", she said, "we have a problem here. I don't think it's serious but I thought I'd better call you."
My parents are in their 80's and their health is not the best so when I get a call like that at that hour, I start reaching for my car keys and a phone to call 911.
Then she said, "It's this damn printer."
Ah, parents. (as told by Steve Bass)
It will probably respond "It's just you." but sometimes a site is down and this will let you know.
Then choose Unformatted Text and the formatting - even the hyperlinks - are cleared up.
My Windows XP system works fine. Why should I upgrade to Windows 7?