Here are some interesting numbers about alcohol consumption.
If you weigh 100 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a Blood Alcohol Percentage (BAP) of .04
- 2 drinks will result in a .08
- 3 drinks will be .11
If you weigh 140 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a BAP of .03
- 2 drinks will result in a .05
- 3 drinks will be .08
If you weigh 160 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a BAPof .02
- 2 drinks will result in a .05
- 3 drinks will be .07
If you weigh 180 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a BAP of .02
- 2 drinks will result in a .04
- 3 drinks will be .06
If you weight 200 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a BAP of.02
- 2 drinks will result in a .04
- 3 drinks will be .06
If you weigh 220 pounds:
- 1 drink will give you a BAP of .02
- 2 drinks will result in a .03 and
- 3 drinks will be .05
Once the number reaches .08 you are legally presumed to be under the influence of alcohol.
Of course there are variables, but for the most part they hold pretty true. For example the person consuming the alcohol may have eaten (or not) before drinking; may be under the weather or taking medication (legal or otherwise).
For the purposes of this general information assume the following:
One drink is 1 ¼ oz. of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. beer, or 4 oz. wine
You can subtract approximately .015 for every hour there is no consumption.
As time passes the percentage of alcohol in your blood will decrease. A few hours after you've consumed a few beers, your blood alcohol is significantly different from 15 minutes after you've finished them.
What you drink also makes a difference. Here are some drink equivalents for you to consider:
- 12 ounces of beer is equal to .48 ounces of pure alcohol
- 5 ounces of wine is equal to .50 ounces of pure alcohol
- 1.25 ounces of 80 proof vodka is equal to .50 ounces of pure alcohol
- 1.25 ounces of 86 proof whiskey is equal to .52 ounces of pure alcohol
Some drinks, such as 151 proof rum, malt liquor or fortified wine coolers have a much higher equivalency.
REMEMBER: Every person reacts differently to alcohol. Do not rely on this information as permission to drink - it is only a guideline.
The best rule of thumb is "If you're going to drink - don't drive". Take turns being the Designated Driver.
If you want to have a good time don't take the chance of ruining it with a DUI arrest, or, heaven forbid, an accident. You could hurt yourself or someone else if you are not careful. It only takes one time to turn "the life of the party" into a Drunk Driver and a Felon.
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