Jews In Cleveland
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Jews in Cleveland (from ClevelandPeople.Com)
Jesse Owens Way street Dedication
November 15, 2010

Milton Maltz and Jesse Owens' daughter Gloria

Rabbi Richard Block, Milton Maltz, Armond Budish, Albert and Audrey Ratner
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage 5th Anniversary
September 26, 2010
Jewish Heritage Month celebration at Cleveland City Hall
May 24, 2010

Judi Feniger and Milton Maltz at City Hall
Albert Ratner Keynote address
Cleveland International Hall of Fame - May 12, 2010

Interfaith Seder at Fairmount Temple
March 16, 2010

Musician Noah Budin and Rabbi Joshua Caruso
Hebrew Garden Lecture at the Maltz Museum by Nate Arnold
11-28-09 - Why is it called the Hebrew Garden?
Cultural Gardens Celebration at Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
9-26-09 - Did you know Leo Weidenthal founded the Gardens?

Interfaith Seder at Fairmount Temple
See more from the Seder and learn about Passover
Henry Winkler - Fonzie from Happy Days How a Jewish kid celebrates the holidays
Zap! Pow! Bam! The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950 Superman, Batman & more at the Maltz Museum
The State of Israel turns 60 Special exhibit at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Listen to Executive Director Judi Feniger of the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage discuss the Israel: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow exhibit
Yiddish expressions
Brush up on these colorful terms
Hebrew Cultural Gardens Host Gardens for One World Day 2007
Jewish Honorees at One World Day 2007
Rosh Hashana May the New Year (5768) be a good year to you.
A Sukkah for Sukkot at One World Day 2007
Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement
Rosh Hashana Recipes Challah, Honey Cake and more
Happy Hanukkah History, spellings and a Quiz
Passover Meanings & Traditions
Passover Recipes Mushroom Schnitzel, Tzimmes and More
Passover What it is - by Jim Evans
Your Very First Passover Seder What to expect
Dancing with the Stars Menorah Park Adult Day Care Center 3-27-07
Remember Mickey Katz and the Klezmer Clarinet? See his granddaughter perform one of his songs
The Yiddish Policemen's Union By Michael Chabon (book review)
Cleveland Jewish Seniors Marshall Bedol One-of-a-kind Twin
Jules Belkin Making Cleveland Rock
Marty Conn He can make you a Star
Harlan Diamond Jewel of a caterer, a gem of a man
Rabbi Frederick Eisenberg 50 years of making life good for others
Hal Lebovitz Ask Hal, the Hall of Famer
Burt Salzman Hard Working Grocer with a Heart of Gold
Violet & David Spevack With a song in their hearts

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