Serbs in ClevelandBe humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.

Visit our on-line Serbian Store Books, Music, Clothes and More
Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland Photos from inside and out of the Cathedral
People, History & Culture from the Serbian community in Cleveland
Serbian Children's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day Three Sundays before Christmas
Serbian Patron Saints Krsna Slava
A Serbian Christmas Customs and Traditions
Centerpiece of Wheat Serbian Christmas
Sprouting wheat on St. Nicholas Day Serbian Christmas
Once a powerful medieval Kingdom and an Empire (which at times ruled most of the Balkans), the modern state of Serbia emerged in 1817 following the Second Serbian Uprising. The current borders of the country were established following the end of World War II, when Serbia became a federal unit within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Serbia became an independent state again in 2006, after Montenegro left the union which was formed after the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1990s.

Battle in Kosovo 1389
Please send us your photos, memories, links to Serbian resources, interesting Serbs we should profile and other Cleveland Serbian items as we grow this site into a complete reference for Serbs in Cleveland and beyond.
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