Cleveland St. Patrick's' Day Parade 2008
The 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade will be held on Monday, March 17 starting at 1:04pm at East 18th and Superior Ave in Downtown Cleveland.
The Parade will begin at the intersection of Superior Ave. and East 18th St. It will travel southwest on Superior Ave. to East Roadway. The parade will head northwest on East Roadway for one block; and then it will head northeast on Rockwell Ave. The Parade ends at the intersection of Rockwell Ave. and East 6th St.

The 2008 Grand Marshall - John Campbell Congratulations to John Campbell, the Grand Marshall of Cleveland's 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade. John Campbell was born in Dorriel, Ballycroy, County Mayo on February 28, 1935. 
John Campbell
John has always been very proud of his Irish heritage. In the 1960's, he was Treasurer of the West Side Irish American Club. He is a founding and Charter member of the Irish American Club East Side. He was also involved with the revitalizations of the Cleveland Chapter of Irish Northern Aid. Currently, he is a member of the Irish Northern Aid, the Irish American Club East Side, the Irish Heritage Club, the Mayo Society of Cleveland and the West Side Irish American Club. John has always encouraged his family to be active members of the Irish Community in Cleveland. This tradition is being carried on to the next generation. In 2007, his granddaughter Katie Cooper sang the National Anthems for the St. Patrick's Day Parade. John was honored as the 1996 St Patrick's Day Parade Co-Chairs. In 2002, Irish Northern Aid honored him for his exemplary work and dedication to the organization. In 2005, he was proud that his wife Patricia was honored as the Irish Mother of the Year. John can be found in attendance at a variety of events and activities supporting all Irish Clubs in the city always with a smile and a friendly handshake. 2008 Irish Mother of the Year - Kathleen Hough Kathleen Lynch Hough was born on September 30, 1940 to James and Ursula McGuire Lynch. She graduated from Holy Name High School in 1959. In August 1966, she married James P. Hough, who is now a retired Cleveland Firefighter.
 During their 41 years of marriage, they were blessed with four children: Mary Catherine, Patrick(married to Katie Harkness), Sheila(married to Patrick Cooney) and Maureen and five grandchildren: Seamus, Meghan, Moira, Mary Clare and Shannon.
Parade Co-Chairs: Norine Hastings and Mike Keenan
Norine Hastings' Irish roots go back to her parents, Nora (Conway) Hastings from Tourmakeady, County Mayo, and Thomas Hastings from Wesport, County Mayo. In 1961, Norine joined her sister and her cousins in the Ladies Drill Team at the West Side Irish American Club. Except for a few years, she continued to march with that drill team until 1987, when she became the first leader of the Ladies Drill Team at the Irish American Club - East Side. Norine and her sister, Mary McCluskey, who leads the Ladies Drill Team at the West Side Irish American Club, continued a friendly rivalry on St. Patrick's Day for twenty years. They would travel back and forth helping each other prepare for the big month of March. In 2006, the Irish American Club – East Side honored Norine by naming her "Member of the Year". 
Michael Keenan was born in July of 1962 to his parents, both Irish immigrants, Joseph from French Park, County Roscommon and Mary from Wesport, County Mayo. Mike joined his siblings, Mary, Patrick, Thomas, Theresa and was later followed by his brother Kevin. A long time member of the West Side Irish American Club, Mike started with the Fife and Drum Corps in 1969 and marched in his first St. Patrick's Day Parade in 1971. In 1984, Mike joined the Fife and Drum Corp at the Irish American Club East Side, Inc. assisting Jack McDonough instructing with fife lessons and drum lessons. The Fife and Drum Corp was eventually renamed the Jack McDonough Fife and Drum Corp upon Jack's untimely passing in 1990. Since that time Mike has proudly served as the leader of the corp and continues to lead the group today. As Mike became more active in the East Side Club he began serving on various committees, and was elected to the Executive Board several times including one term as Vice President and was then honored as the club's Member of the Year in 2003. Mike was also an original member of the Pipes and Drums of the Irish American Club East Side and currently is the Drum Sergeant of the band. Thanks to the United Irish Societies of Greater Cleveland for the above information.
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