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How to become a Veterinarian
by Dr. Gregory Herndon

Q. I don't have anything about my pet, but I just want to know what are the different courses you can take if you want to become a vet?

I'm in grade 9 and I have chosen biology and physics and chemistry.

Is becoming a vet very difficult and what type of a personality do you need to have? I love animals and can't bear to see them suffering at all.

A. It takes 6-8 years of education to become a veterinarian after high school.

Once in college you will most likely be advised to select a major in life sciences, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, etc. You can apply for early admissions to some schools but they have strict guidelines and your grade point average must be above a 3.75 on a 4.0 scale usually.

You also have to take a test called the GRE and /or the VCAT (veterinary college admission test) during college. Once in vet school it is a 4 year program.

I will say that vet school is difficult and time consuming but worth it once you get through.

As far as personality, I think you have to be friendly, compassionate, outgoing at times and willing to work hard to be good at what you do.

Just about what it takes to be successful at any occupation really.

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Veterinarain Gregory Herndon DVM

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