- Everyone working out at the gym is in great shape and will make you feel embarrassed by the way you look and your lack of energy.
Yes, there are those who are in great shape, but they are often in the minority. Use them as an incentive - they didn't get to look that way without working at it. You might even ask what exercises they suggest. Besides, it will make them feel great.
- You will start noticing a difference in your body in a week or two of working hard at exercising.
I notice that more people stop coming for this reason more than any other. Changes take time, and even though you are working hard, you won't notice a difference for awhile.
Joseph Pilates stated that it will take 10 to 15 sessions before you feel differently, 15 to 30 sessions before you look differently to yourself and more than 30 sessions before others start to notice the change in you.
- As your body starts to slim (your clothes become looser), you don't show any loss of weight on the scale.
I hate scales for this reason. They do more to discourage than encourage. What is happening is that you are increasing your lean muscle mass. But, muscle weighs more that fat, so you won't immediately notice fewer pounds. The good news is that muscle burns more calories, so you are on your way!
- On the subject of muscle mass, women will not "bulk up."
A lot of women worry that if they do regular resistance work, they will look like muscle men. Not so. And, it is so good for our fitness level and health to lift weights. (See the previous bullet point.)
Remember to have fun on your fitness journey. If you ever become discouraged, think of all of the benefits: you will live longer, reduce health problems, lower blood pressure, reduce body weight and cholesterol, build stronger bones, condition muscles, tendons and ligaments, feel better, sleep better, think better, and manage stress better. You will have more energy to enjoy your work and play.
You can't beat all that. So, what are you waiting for? Have a fit 2008 and let me know how you are doing!

Chris King of Creative Keys is a Group Exercise Instructor, Certified by the American Council on Exercise (A.C.E.). She holds what she calls a Portfolio Career (many different careers at the same time). To find out more about her, visit http://www.creativekeys.net.
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