Broken Bone Questions
Q. I broke my femur 2 inches down from ball joint while skiing. (Simple fracture) I have had three screws inserted. It is now 5 weeks and I have not placed any weight on it. When can I start putting weight on it and begin physical therapy?
A. Weightbearing status is dependent on your individual situation and your physician is the only one that can determine appropriate weightbearing status. I am sure you are anxious to begin your rehab program. Most rehab can begin fairly early and often before partial weightbearing is approved. Ask your doctor about an aquatic therapy program which would enable you to get moving in a buoyant atmosphere without direct pressure on your leg!
Q. My friend broke his leg in a motorcycle accident and a titanium rod was put in his leg. He is getting frustrated with getting back to walking without using his crutch. It would be helpful if you could give some suggestions on what he can do to get him back to normal.
Many times normal gait is affected by range of motion being limited. In order to take a normal step, there must be a certain amount of knee, hip and ankle range of motion. A physical therapist can consult with him to define exactly what is causing his limitations after his leg fracture and get him back on the right track.
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