Don't miss Part 1 of this series on Walking - Walking: Your steps to health
Make walking part of your daily life. Walk to work and to the store. If it's too far, try walking to the train instead of driving there, and then get off the bus or subway a few stops before your destination. Instead of competing for the closest parking space or paying extra for a nearby lot, park farther away and walk to your destination. Go for a walk at lunchtime instead of spending all your time in the cafeteria.
You don't need any special equipment to walk in the course of your daily life. Supportive street shoes will suffice, but if you prefer, you can change into walking shoes for your commute or lunchtime stroll.
And since you don't need to push yourself enough to sweat, you don't need special clothing; just stay warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and dry in the rain. But when the weather is really harsh or the streets slippery, put safety first and walk down long hallways, in a mall, or on the stairs.
Climbing to health
Walking on streets and trails is superb for health. And so is walking up stairs. Coaches, cardiologists, and housewives have long been in on the secret of stairs. Many football coaches "ask" their players to charge up flight after flight of stadium steps to get in shape, and other competitive athletes put gymnasium stairwells to similar use.
In the days before stress testing held sway, doctors would often walk up stairs with their patients to check out cardiopulmonary function. Even today, cardiologists tell heart patients they are fit enough to have sex if they can walk up two or three flights comfortably, and surgeons may clear patients for lung operations if they can manage five or six flights.
As for housewives, taking care of a two- or three-story home is one reason American women outlive their husbands by an average of more than five years.
What's so special about stairs? Researchers in Canada answered the question by monitoring 17 healthy male volunteers with an average age of 64 while they walked, lifted weights, or climbed stairs. Stair climbing was the most demanding. It was twice as taxing as brisk walking on the level and 50% harder than walking up a steep incline or lifting weights.
And peak exertion was attained much faster climbing stairs than walking, which is why nearly everyone huffs and puffs going upstairs, at least until the "second wind" kicks in after a few flights.
Because stairs are so taxing, only the very young at heart should attempt to charge up long flights. But at a slow, steady pace, stairs can be a health plus for the rest of us. Begin modestly with a flight or two, and then add more as you improve.
Take the stairs whenever you can; if you have a long way to go, walk part way, and then switch to an elevator. Use the railing for balance and security (especially going down), and don't try the stairs after a heavy meal or if you feel unwell.
Even at a slow pace, you'll burn calories two to three times faster climbing stairs than walking briskly on the level. The Harvard Alumni Study found that men who average at least eight flights a day enjoy a 33% lower mortality rate than men who are sedentary - and that's even better than the 22% lower death rate men earned by walking 1.3 miles a day.
Does walking for transportation pay off? And how! A study of 12,000 adults found that people who live in cities have a lower risk of being overweight and obese than people who live in the suburbs. In Atlanta, for example, 45% of suburban men were overweight and 23% were obese; among urbanites, however, only 37% were overweight and 13% obese.
The explanation: driving vs. walking. To stay well, walk for 30 to 45 minutes nearly every day. Do it all at once or in chunks as short as five to 10 minutes. Aim for a brisk pace of three to four miles an hour, but remember that you'll get plenty of benefit from strolling at a slower pace as long as you stick with it.
If you want to set more precise goals, aim for two to four miles a day. As a rule of thumb, urban walkers can count 12 average city blocks as one mile. Another way to keep track of your distance is to buckle a pedometer to your belt. Some just keep track of your steps, while others have bells and whistles such as timers, clocks, alarms, and bells - or at least chimes that ring out little tunes.
You can get a decent pedometer for under $40. Even the best models can sometimes mistake a jiggle for a step, but a pedometer can help you keep track and can motivate you to take extra steps whenever you can. If you have an average stride length, count 2,000 steps as about a mile of walking. And if you're counting steps, you can use another rule of thumb to estimate your intensity: 80 steps a minute indicates a leisurely pace; 100 steps a minute, a moderate to brisk pace; and 120 steps a minute, a fast pace.
Even without counting, you'll do well simply by reminding yourself to walk briskly. It's the only direction that researchers gave to a group of 84 overweight, sedentary volunteers, yet even without athletic experience, all of them achieved heart rates in the moderate 58% to 70% of maximum range.
In this high-tech era, technologically inspired workouts are the rage. For example, when George W. Bush took over the White House, he installed a treadmill on Air Force One. Like his father, Mr. Bush is athletic, fit, and dedicated to exercise and sports. Politics notwithstanding, both Presidents Bush set fine examples of exercise for maximum fitness.
But remember that President Harry S. Truman's daily "constitutionals" set a democratic example of plain vanilla walking for health and pleasure (to say nothing of votes) in the course of daily life.
Walking for transportation is a good way to start any exercise program, and it's an excellent way to protect your health. Still, many men will get extra benefit from setting aside dedicated time to walk for exercise, health, and pleasure.
Genetic or kinetic?
The meta-analysis of 18 walking studies did not address a question that has bedeviled most studies of exercise and health: is the exercise itself protective, or do genetically healthier people simply tend to exercise more? But another important European study sheds light on the issue.
To learn if the effects of exercise depend on genetics and early family life, doctors in Finland studied nearly 16,000 same-sex twins. The participants were all healthy when the study began in 1975. All the volunteers provided information on their exercise habits and other known predictors of mortality.
People who reported exercising for more than 30 minutes at least six times a month at an intensity corresponding to brisk walking were classified as conditioning exercisers, subjects who exercised less were considered occasional exercisers, and those who did not exercise were considered sedentary.
During the study's 20-year follow-up, 1,253 participants died. Even after accounting for other risk factors, exercise proved strongly protective, reducing the death rate of conditioning exercisers by 43% and occasional exercisers by 29%. But was the protection genetic or kinetic?
Even among genetically similar twins, exercise was a strong independent predictor of survival. Twins who exercised regularly were 56% less likely to die during the study period than their sedentary siblings, and even twins who exercised only occasionally had a 34% lower death rate than their sedentary sibs.
Your shoes may have more to say about your health than your genes.
Walking for walking
Whether you walk in a business suit or a sweat suit, on city streets or country roads, it's still the same left, right, left for health. In fact, it's not a question of either/or, since every walk you take is a step toward good health.
Walking for walking's sake shows you are giving exercise the priority it deserves. It will get you away from the demanding routines of daily life, a nice plus for mental health. And by changing into walking shoes and athletic togs, you'll be able to build up to a pace that's difficult to achieve on the way to work.
Good shoes are important. Most major athletic brands offer shoes especially designed for walking. Fit and comfort are more important than style; your shoes should feel supportive but not snug or constricting. Look for a padded tongue and heel pad. The uppers should be light, breathable, and flexible, the insole moisture-resistant, and the sole shock-absorbent. The heel wedge should be raised, so the sole at the back of the shoe is two times thicker than at the front. Finally, the toe box should be roomy, even when you're wearing athletic socks.
Your shoes are worth a little thought, but your clothing is strictly a matter of common sense and personal preference. A T-shirt and shorts are fine in warm weather. An ordinary sweat suit will do nicely when it's cool, but a nylon athletic suit may be more comfortable. Add layers as the temperature drops; gloves and a hat are particularly important. If you really get into it, a water-repellent suit of Gore-Tex or a similar synthetic fabric will keep you warm without getting soggy with sweat.
For safety's sake, pick brightly colored outer garments, and always wear a reflector on country roads if it's dark. Walk facing cars if you don't have a sidewalk underfoot, and avoid high-speed and congested traffic. Beware of dogs and, for that matter, people; be sure unfamiliar locations are safe, and even then, try to walk with a companion.
Before you take a serious walk, stretch to warm up; stretch again to cool down afterwards. Start out at a slow pace, and slow down toward the end of your walk as well. Begin with routes that are well within your range, and then extend your distances as you improve. The same is true of your pace; begin modestly, then pick up your speed as you get into shape. Intersperse a brisk clip with a less strenuous stride, and then gradually extend these speedier intervals. Add hills for variety and additional intensity.
One of the nice things about walking is that you don't need special skill, much less lessons. The main thing is to walk naturally and comfortably. But if you want to aim for an ideal stride, a few tips may help. Try to keep your posture erect with your chin up, your eyes forward, and your shoulders square. Keep your back straight, belly flat, and butt tucked in. Keep your arms close to your torso, bent at the elbow.
Take a natural stride, but try to lengthen your stride as you improve. Land on your heels, and then roll forward to push off with your toes. Swing your arms with each stride, and keep up a steady, rhythmic cadence.
To stay motivated, walk with a friend or listen to a radio or MP3 player. And for some people, the best motivation is a dog - studies show that owning pets is good for health, and walking the dog is a major reason for this benefit.
To avoid problems, back off if you are ill or injured, always listen to your body, stay well-hydrated, and avoid hazardous conditions. Consider walking in a mall if it's too hot, cold, wet, or slippery outdoors. You can also consider using a treadmill at home or at a health club.
Walking it off
Exercise burns calories. In the case of walking and running, the calories you burn depend much more on the distance you cover and your body weight than on your pace. A hundred or so calories a mile might not seem like much, but they can add up to better weight control.
For example, a 2009 study of 4,995 men and women found that the average American gains about 2.2 pounds a year during middle age. But during the 15-year study, people who walked gained significantly less weight than those who didn't; the more walking, the less weight gain.
And the benefit was greatest in the heaviest individuals. For example, walking for just 35 minutes a day saved a 160-pound person about 18 pounds of flab over 15 years of aging.
Your weight | Approximate calories per mile |
120 lbs |
85 |
140 lbs |
95 |
160 lbs |
105 |
180 lbs |
115 |
200 lbs |
125 |
220 lbs |
135 |
Walking the walk
Walking has it all. Simple and natural, it doesn't require any instruction or skill. It can be a very modest form of exercise or it can demand enough skill and intensity to be an Olympic sport. You can walk alone for solitude or with friends for companionship. You can walk indoors on a treadmill or outside in the city or country, at home or away.
You can get all the benefits of moderate exercise with a very low risk of injury. And to boot, walking is inexpensive. All things considered, Charles Dickens got it right: "Walk to be healthy, walk to be happy."
Part 1 - Walking: Your steps to health
Reprinted with permission - Harvard Men’s Health Watch

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