Q. Are creaky stairs something to worry about, or just an old house kind of sound?
A. As long as the stairs are not cracked or "giving" under foot with weight applied they are probably nothing to worry about.
If they are not covered by carpet or other covering, you may want to sprinkle them heavily with powder (yes, regular talc) and "walk it in" without shoes, just socks.
Be careful as they are slippery, but the powder works into tiny cracks and creased and sometimes does the trick. (The powder works on old hardwood floors sometimes too)
Q. I've noticed some cracks in the wooden stairs to my attic. What do I need to do? Do they need to be replaced and if so, do I have to replace them all and is this something I need to hire a professional for?
A. Depending on the amount of damage you will want to replace any broken boards or the ones that are not sturdy under foot.
Depending on the build of the stairs and ease of repairing/replacing damaged pieces, use your discretion and level of expertise to decide on hiring a professional.
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