Meet our Repair Expert Beth Hodge
Hi! My name is Beth and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me.
I'm what you might call a "high-energy" Mom. I have a beautiful daughter. I am also wife to a wonderful husband and the only child to a Dad who I sincerely think wanted a boy.
But, he got me. But much to his surprise I loved all of the things his "son" would have loved and spent many of my wonder years learning the tricks of the trades in the home improvement world.
After I finished my education I had the opportunity to manage an apartment complex. This was also a big help in gaining some of the skills I possess today.
Now, with 12 years experience and a wealth of family and friends in the business, I'm ready to pass along some helpful hints to you.
I'd be happy to answer your questions and share whatever knowledge I have, so send me your questions.
Fire away!! I'm all ears.
Have a question or tip about home repairs? Let us know at Repair@ClevelandSeniors.Com
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