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Mexican Food Guide
What the words mean to help you order

There's more to authentic Mexican food than Tacos and Burritos. Here's a guide to what the words means to help you decide what you'd like.

Abulon Abalone
Aceitunas Olives
Acelgas Chard
Ajo Garlic
Almejas Brujas Stuffed Clams
Almejas Clams
Apio Celery
Aqua Water
Aquacate Avocado Soup
Aquardiente Brandy
Arroz Rice
Atun Tuna
Avena Oatmeal
Azucar Sugar
Betabeles Beets
Bolillos Bread Rolls
Burrito Taco made with wheat flour tortilla
Cabra Goat
Cabrilla Sea Bass
Cacahuates Peanuts
Café Coffee
Calabazas Squash
Calamar Squid
Caldo de Hongos Silvestres Wild Mushroom Broth
Caldo de Mariscos Seafood Soup
Caldo Tialpeno Chicken Vegetable Soup
Caldo Broth
Callos Scallops
Camarones Shrimp
Camotes Yams
Canela Cinnamon
Cangrejo Crab
Carne de Res Beef
Carne Meat
Carnero Lamb
Cebolla Onion
Cebollita Green Onion
Cerveza Beer
Ceviche Fish Cocktail
Champinones Mushrooms
Chicharos Peas
Chiles Rellenos Stuffed chilies
Chipotle Chilies Smoked Jalapenos
Cilantro Fresh Coriander
Coco Coconut
Condimentos Condiments
Crema de Queso Cheese Soup
Crema Cream
Dulces Sweets
Durazanos Peaches
Ejotes String Beans
Elote Corn on the Cob
Empanada Turnover
Ensalada Salad
Especias Spices
Fideos Noodles
Flan Custard
Fresas Strawberries
Frijoles Cooked Beans
Frutas Fruit
Fundido Fondue
Galletas Cookies
Helado Ice Cream
Hiebabuena Mint
Higado Liver
Higo Fig
Huachinango Red Snapper
Huevos al Albanil Eggs in Green Salsa
Huevos Eggs
Jaiba Crab
Jamon Ham
Langosta Lobster
Leche Milk
Lechuga Lettuce
Lengua Tongue
Lenguado Flounder (Sole)
Legumbres Vegetables
Limon Lime or lemon
Maiz Corn off the Cob
Mantequilla Butter
Manzana Apple
Mariscos Shellfish
Masa Dough made from ground corn
Mayonesa Mayonnaise
Miel Honey
Mole One of a variety of sauces
Morita Chili "Little Blackberry" chili. Not smoked
Mostaza Mustard
Nachos Not really Mexican. Similar to tostadas
Naranja orange
Nopales Rellenos Stuffed Cactus paddles
Nopales Edible Cactus, the stem of the prickly pear
Nueces Nuts
Nuez de Castilla Walnuts
Ostiones Oysters
Paleta Popsicle
Pan de Cazon Tortillas with shredded fish and black beans
Pan Dulce Sweet Bread
Pan Bread
Papas Potatoes
Parejil parsley
Pastel Cake
Pato Duck
Pavo Turkey
Pay Pie
Pepino Cucumber
Pes Espada Swordfish
Pescado Fish
Pimienta Pepper
Pina Pineapple
Pitayas Edible Cactus
Platano Banana
Pollo Chicken
Postres Desserts
Puerco Pork
Queso Cheese
Queso Frito Fried Cheese
Rabano Radish
Refrescos Soft Drinks
Rellenos Stuffed
Repollo Cabbage
Rojas Red
Ron Rum
Sal Salt
Salchicha Sausage
Salsa Mixture made to dress or season food
Sandia Watermelon
Sopa Azteca Tortilla Soup
Sopa de Fideos con Acelgas Noodle Soup with Chard
Sopa Soup
Taco Sandwich made with any ingredients
Tacos de Pescado Fish Tacos
Tatemado Marinated Pork Stew
Te Tea
Te Caliente Hot Tea
Te Helado Iced Tea
Ternera Veal
Tiburon Shark
Tocino Bacon
Tomate tomato
Toronja Grapefruit
Tortilla Corn based flat bread
Tostada Fried tortilla
Totopo Toasted tortilla made with salt.
Tunas Edible Cactus, the fruit of the cactus
Uvas Grapes
Vainilla Vanilla
Vino Wine
Y And
Zanahoria Carrot

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