Your wee face is close to mine. I could lean a few inches forward and kiss you, but you are thousands of miles away. Your mother holds you up to the laptop's camera eye, and you make a small yawn and open one weary eye, so tired are you from your recent journey into this world.
Fortunate Child, to be born at this time and place! You will be part of new things never even dreamed of by your grandmother, who now looks at you across cyberspace. In your face I see the hints of your father and mother, and through them, to your loving, extended family. You are our precious promise, our legacy to life.
Treasured One, I may not see you grown or know what you will someday become, but I can tell you this:
You will be healthier and wealthier than most of earth's population. You will have the chance to be educated, choose your leaders, go where and when you will, and speak where and when you will, be secure in your home and your possessions.
It is called Freedom, that gift you are receiving as your birth portion. The other side of it is called Citizenship, that part that asks you to return to your country as much as, if not more than, what you have been given.
Your freedom to worship has been handed as well. You have inherited a wealth of faith, and if you watch closely the examples you have before you, the reason for worship will be revealed to you.
Fortunate Child! You are the fruit of two families, blended together in you, and both offering love and support.
Someday perhaps you will learn of our trials and triumphs, our joys and sorrows, but for now, sleep easy while your parents watch over you. Grow in smiles and hugs, knowledge and truth. Fortunate Child!
If only every child born were as fortunate as you…..
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