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Come Back to Euclid Beach!
On Sunday September 28th, Euclid Beach Park Now and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, invited people to come back to Euclid Beach park for a free and fun day.
The day included tours of "Where things were at Euclid Beach Park" (Remember where the Dance Hall or Skating Ring were?) and lots of great memories.
This horse was placed in the exact spot that it used to be when the Park was open
as was this Rocket Car
Hundreds of visitors lined up for free rides on the Rocket Car and the Thrill Car (made form seats of the Thriller Roller Coaster)
In line for the Rocket Car at Euclid Beach Park
Riding the Euclid Beach Rocket Car
The back end of the Euclid Beach Rocket Car
Click the Play Button (above) to watch and listen to a short video of the Rocket Car rides
Car made from seats of the Euclid Beach Thriller Car
Front of the Euclid Beach Thriller Car
Engine of the Euclid Beach Thriller Car
Click the Play Button (above) to watch and listen to a short video of the Thriller Car
Volunteers are working hard to save and reinstall the famous Euclid Beach Carousel
and some of the original Carousel horses were on display
Lots of Euclid Beach memorabilia was on hand to browse and bring back memories. Classic photos of rides like the Thriller, Over the Falls, Rotor, The Whip, The Bug, Dodge'ems, Laff in the Dark and more were on display.
Photo of the Thriller Roller Coaster at Euclid Beach Park
Euclid Beach Park rides
Photo of Euclid Beach Park Rotor ride
There was a working Skee Ball machine from the Arcade and The Thing from the Laff in the Dark as well as a Funhouse mirror
Euclid Beach Park Skee Ball Machine
Euclid Beach Park Laff in the Dark - The Thing
Euclid Beach Park Funhouse Mirror
Memorabilia from the Arcade Games and Tickets were also on display
Remember the Grandmother's Prophesies Arcade machine?
Do these tickets and other items look familiar?
How about these movie star photos you could win in the Arcade?
Or these 'Your Ideal Love Mate' Cards
Humphrey Popcorn Balls were available as well as Euclid Beach Custard and other park fair like hot dogs.
A Hofbauer Harmonipan played Amusement Park songs
Click the Play Button (above) to watch and listen to a 1 minute video of the Harmonipan playing
One of the most popular attractions at this special event was the appearance of the one, the only, the original Laughing Sal.
Many people walked up to Laughing Sal and reminisced how Sal had made them laugh or had scared them to death!
Click the Play Button (above) to watch and listen to a short video that sums up how many of us felt about Laughing Sal
The event also had an extra special attraction - the Cleveland Model T Club drove in a few dozen classic antique cars for the visitors to see. What a trip down Memory Lane!
1960 Metropolitan
Under the hood of the 1960 Metropolitan
Congratulations to Euclid Beach Park Now and the many volunteers who made this a terrific event. Right now, Euclid Beach Park looks like this
but with the dedication of these volunteers, maybe we will again see parts of the old familiar Euclid Beach park once again open for the season!
If you have memories and/or photos of Euclid Beach that you would like to share, please send them to us at or mail to
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