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Keeping Up With Maury
Weekly Produce Report
by Maury Feren

Yeah, yeah, yeah everything is looking good.

Idaho's are best for baking and even all around but the Yukon Gold potatoes are a close match. They are buttery.

Fresh corn from Florida tastes like summer. Don't hold them more than 2 days in the frig and keep the green covers on.

Fresh young beets red, white or yellow are better than an energy drink. They younger the better.

Lets look at the peaches from Georgia for 99 cent. I'm not sure if they are a winner they have to ripen 2 or 3 days. Remember that. No refrigerator needed. Nectarines are still number 1 for flavor.

Green beans are young and tender so is the young zucchini. They are the best in the squash family.

Now listen to this carefully don't be dazzled dazzled by the asparagus growers. The spindly thin asparagus doesn't have the stuff. Pick out green asparagus the size of your first finger or thumb. Home grown just arrived flavor is superb don't miss it. Its a short season. You might like to know that all of your asparagus comes from Peru. Yes I said Peru.

Beet greens and Swiss chard are better for you then spinach. Taste good too. Green cabbage is the best anti-carcinogenic which include broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts. I just wonder when they decide to make cabbage an exotic because it is so high priced 49 cents a pound.

You all to take a second look at Brussels Sprouts they are a great filler in. Healthy too. The real Vidalia onions in bags will create a big savings. They are so sweet your company will never know you have been eating them like candy.

Avocados are running full fledged, don't let them get too rip. Back to tomatoes don't miss the Campiri varies they are the sweetest around. Of course the Cherry Sweets will give them a run for their money.

I find it interesting that head lettuce is back in the swing. Have you notice that they have been growing head lettuce to make the famous wedge salad nothing better than using ranch or french dressing to make it the best around. Nobody can beat Miles Markets romaine lettuce in the raw. Its always fresh and very well priced.

I just want you to remember that California cherries are the sweetest from there. Never mind, Utah, Washington, or Oregon. They will be around until August.

Now I am going to give you a top secret. First thing refrigeration should only be temporary. Its not a storage bin. If you want to save your fruit for best flavor and freshness store your cherries, strawberries and grapes in a plastic container. Layer pack with paper towels giving them air and separation. Works like a charm.

That's it I'm saying bye bye for today.

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