What do you think about the current Television Shows? What are your favorites? Are there some you absolutely refuse to watch? Do you let the stations and sponsors know how you feel about them?
My father always said, "You have no right to complain about elected officials unless you vote and you have no right to gripe about programs or anything unless you make your opinions known to the proper people". (Darn it, Dad do you realize the burden you put upon me, always writing, always calling?)
It's funny the different tastes people have and what you can tell about them by the programs they watch (or can you?) I am often surprised when people I think I know so well talk about their favorite shows. "Gosh I can't picture her liking that show, it's not her type". You'd probably be surprised at some of my favorites.
You can often tell a person's political persuasions by the news station they watch. CNN (aha!), Fox New (ohhh!)! Did you ever notice we watch the stations that agree with our thinking and not those uninformed illiterates on the other stations?
If only I had one of those boxes that monitor the programs you watch. I'd show them, I'd watch and wouldn't even scan over those poor
excuses for entertainment. I hate to admit it but some of the so-called good shows can be so boring or have I become jaded? But I'd watch them if I had a box.
There are too few good Comedy shows (get the word Comedy). It seems as soon as one gets a few successful seasons they feel they have to change it and get either preachy or sexy. When you have a good thing stick with it!
The news, well that's another subject. Is it News or Commentary? They should have to tell you (they used to do that). We shouldn't be able to tell how a newsperson feels about a subject…just gives me the facts, only the facts, ma'am.
Because of the many hours of news each day much is repeated as if it just happened - even when it happened yesterday or the day before. Being first has become more important than being accurate.
Breaking news flashes used to make me take notice as did weather alerts. Not anymore.
Shame on them because sometime it might be for real and no one will take it seriously.
Does our local news have to be so small townish? How many times when the local news comes on do you say "small town"? Is it really news that John's chicken house is moving to the West Side?
Talking about small town, another thing that gripes me is when a celebrity comes into town and gets off the plane and the first thing the reporters ask is "how do you like Cleveland?" Have they been here a minute? Tacky tacky tacky! I wish they would greet them, maybe ask why they are here, wish them a good stay or ask something pertinent. We look like celebrity-starved hicks.
Many years ago I wrote a letter complaining about a sitcom that one of the major car dealers sponsored. They wrote back saying they were sorry I didn't like my new car, could do nothing about the problems I was having with it, but hoped I'd consider buying one again next time (I swear this is true). However I believe that most sponsors respond graciously and this letter was probably forwarded to the wrong person in the wrong department on a bad day.
So where is my pad and paper, oh and yes the remote? I'll finish the letter about the Practice tomorrow, but that's Thursday and there's all those good shows.
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