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Advice from Dear Webby
Lonely after the Holidays

Dear Webby,

It's cold and dark and the holidays are over. I am a widow, live alone and get depressed and lonely. My children are married and busy and suggest I join a Senior Citizen group. I hesitate. What do you think?

Signed: Bored in Cleveland

Dear Bored in Cleveland,


What interests you? There are many options to boredom. Some just sit watch TV and eat candy. (Hey, not all bad!)

But have you visited the Library lately? You can even order your books on line. However, if you can, I'd suggest you go there and browse. Ask if they know of any book clubs or you can start your own.

When was the last time you visited our museums? Now is also a good time to wander the malls - there's all those sales and great parking places.

I used to think going to the Movies alone was a taboo, but no more. I hear more and more people are going to the afternoon matinees.Do you have a friend in the same boat?

I bet you know someone who would love to go places with you. How about checking your Church bulletin, to see what's going on there.

Do you have a hobby? Not to late to start one. The schools have many classes. If you knit or crochet why not start your Christmas gifts now, or make scarves for the homeless?

What do you like to do in the nice weather? If you're a gardener start an indoor garden of herbs. If you like walking, trot the Malls.

If you play cards you have it made, people are always looking for another player. Which brings me to the senior groups. They should not be a last resort to fill your time but an exciting venture to meet people. Most of the centers have many diversified groups, speakers and activities.

Tell yourself you are not joining the Army you can quit anytime, (bet you won't want to). Many pools have senior swim, exercise classes and open times.

Need I mention that you're on the Computer? Lucky you! There is so much to explore here. Get someone to teach you how to surf the Web if you don't already know how.

Reach out to others who are lonely or in need of a friend. Do you ever invite family or friends to dinner, lunch or an evening at your home? Like to cook or bake take one of your specialties to a neighbor or endure yourself to the "after school" children with some cookies.

I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

Now if only I practiced what I preach. I have found that sometimes the January letdown is really a revamping time after all the holiday activities and after goofing off for a couple of months. The key is not to feel guilty.

I'm ready to get up and go again and wish I hadn't wasted all that time now that Spring is in the air I have all those winter jobs to still do.

Where is that TV guide and the popcorn?

Good luck,


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