Advice from Dear Webby Doesn't Like Summer Dear Webby,
Most people look forward to the summer months. I hate them. I am lonely and uncomfortable with the heat. I do not golf or swim but most of my friends do. Television is repeats. Most of the courses at the center start up again in the Fall.
Signed: What to do?
Dear What to do,
There are many, many people who feel as you do. Your assignment is to find them, unite them and have fun your way!
Let the people at your senior center know that you're looking for other indoor bunnies. Maybe they can set up some card games, craft programs and other things of interest. They might be surprised at how many sign up. I'm sure it's air-conditioned there and that's a plus.
Why not start a summer card, luncheon or chat group at various homes? This is a great time to shop the malls and get your holiday shopping done early without the hassle of boots and gloves.
How about Matinee movies with a friend or alone? I would not have suggested a movie alone a while back. However more and more people are going in the afternoon (especially seniors) and at a cheap rate.
You can use your imagination and pretend your indoors is outdoors. Make an indoor picnic without the bugs or worry of rain, spread a blanket on the floor and kick off your shoes. Make some lemonade and sandwiches and invite a friend or neighbor over. Play some music and, voila!, you're in business.
Go to the library and get a good book, grab an apple get under your fan in the rocker and pretend you're under the apple tree on a swing, without the bugs.
Did you know you can borrow movies from the library?
Have you thought about getting cable or satellite if only for the summer months? There are many more channels and programs available. You can follow the Indians games too.
Do you like to cook? How about canning tomatoes, making jams and jelly for next winter?
It's a good time to catch up with old friends and write those letters.
Does the evening air bother you or just the hot sun? Many of the suburbs have free evening concerts.
When you do get together with others in September you'll be the one without the mosquito bites and sunburn.
The one with holiday shopping done, the house in order and the cupboards stocked. The one who is well read and up to date on the latest movies. The one ready for an exciting fall and winter season. Lucky You! Webby Have a problem or comment for Dear Webby? E-Mail her at: webby@ClevelandSeniors.Com
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