ClevelandSeniors.Com Daily Crossword Puzzle
When you click on the above link, a new window will open up and display today's crossword puzzle. The first time you do this, your system may respond that you need to install something called Java. Feel free to go ahead and do this (the puzzles are worth it!) and you will only have to do it once (if at all).
It seems that users of Windows 98 or 2000 don't have to do this step but Windows XP users do.
The puzzle is nice because not only do you do it on-screen, but it keeps track of your right and wrong entries, shows percentages and you don't need an eraser!
Check the help button for tips such as pressing the spacebar to change from Across to Down clues.
Give it a try. A few ads will appear across the top of the window but they don't get in the way.
ClevelandSeniors.Com Daily Crossword Puzzle