Rhyming Phrase Word QuizFind a rhyme for each 3 words to come up with a common phrase. Example: Took, Sign, Blinker Answer: Hook, Line and Sinker
- Flop, Crook, Listen
- Pin, Brace, Though
- Versed, Beckoned, Heard
- Leg, Sorrow, Wheel
- Bawl, Park, Ransom
- Sprawl, Tedium, Barge
- Trap, Shackle, Stop
- Mud, Fret, Beers
- Break, Cattle, Foal
- Wife, Pork, Croon
- Sheer, Rose, Float
- Fine, Swimmin', Wrong
- Lame, Debt, Scratch
- Head, Fright, Chew
Before you scroll down for the answers, give them another try!
 Answers- Stop, look and listen
- Win, place and show
- First, second and third
- Beg, borrow and steal
- Tall, dark and handsome
- Small, medium and large
- Snap, crackle and pop
- Blood, sweat and tears
- Shake, rattle and roll
- Knife, fork and spoon
- Ear, nose and throat
- Wine, women and song
- Game, set and match
- Red, white and blue

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