The Volunteer Clearinghouse serves people interested in volunteering at beautiful Corps lakes across the country. It is a national information center for people who are interested in volunteering their time at Corp lakes and projects.
The Corp of Engineers is the steward of almost 12 million acres of land and water at 460 lakes nationwide. Volunteers play an important role in protecting natural resources and maintaining recreation areas.
Volunteers serve as campground hosts, staff Visitor Centers, restore fish and wildlife habitat, maintain park trails and facilities, and more.
A free campsite is often provided for volunteers.
Each person that contacts the Clearinghouse receives a volunteer packet with opportunities, points of contact, application and brochure.
National Public Lands Day and other one-day events attract many individuals and groups to volunteer to make a difference at parks, lakes and trails.
Volunteers are not paid but receive other benefits. They work outdoors at beautiful lakes, help people and the environment, meet new people, gain valuable skills, have fun and enjoy making a difference.
Nationwide, over 70,000 volunteers contributed 1.2 million work hours of work at Corps lakes and projects with an estimated value of $13.5 million.
Contacts for more information:
800-VOL-TEER (800-865-8337)
or check their web site