Cleveland Metroparks was one of six organizations to receive an 18-month start-up grant from The Cleveland Foundation to implement new programs to support the Elder Engagement program.
The Emerald Necklace O.W.L.S. ( O lder W orkers L eading S uccess) includes three distinct initiatives that offer intergenerational opportunities and increased inclusion of older (50 years and older) adults as employees, volunteers and participants in all of the Park District's programs and facilities. The initiatives include:
Park PathWays Intern Partnership (PPIP) O.W.L.S. to incorporate older adult volunteer mentors and tutors into the existing PPIP program to help Cleveland Municipal School District students develop workplace skills, engage in career exploration and prepare for proficiency tests;
Hike/Bike O.W.L.S. to develop a volunteer corps to monitor all-purpose and hiking trails throughout the Park District under the guidance of three stipended older adult coordinators
Cleveland Metroparks Volunteer Services
4101 Fulton Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44144
Cleveland Metroparks O.W.L.S. Web Page
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