Q. My father is 80 and losing some of his strength and balance. I think he
would use a medium exercise ball but I can't find a VHS for seniors using the ball. Can you help me?
A. Fitness Balls are one of the most simple to use, convenient and effective exercise tools available. They are ideal for all fitness levels and forms of exercise including stretching, strength training, toning and even aerobic exercise.
Your father would definitely increase his strength and balance by using a ball.
Gin Miller, my favorite fitness guru and the inventor of the step, introduced me to the ball, and you are in luck because she has a video called Fit Over 50: STABILITY BALL WORKOUT described as, "A challenging and effective movement workout that is designed to enable you to strengthen the weakest areas of your body.
Not only does this exciting, innovative form of exercise allow you to work the primary muscles that are involved in your activities of daily living, it also addresses the equally important stabilizer muscles. Recommended exercise frequency: 3 to 5 times a week."
You can order it here:
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