Chat with PatReminisce with our resident chatterbox, Pat, and share your memories of the old days or chat about current and future topics.
Or as Pat would say, "Let's Chat!"
Wanna Bet? Chat with Pat remembers the Gamblers in her family
The Scale is Evil! Chat with Pat goes on a diet
Away in a ... Cabin? Chat with Pat shares a special holiday memory
Shop Till You Drop Chat with Pat has always loved to shop!
Face it - I need friends Chat with Pat discovers Facebook
The neighborhood's adopted dog Pat chats about stray dog 'Brown'
January is Evil! Pat chats about her January Blues
Cable and Toasters and Phones - Oh My! Pat chats about some consumer gripes
Storms are coming - grab the booze! Pat chats about how we react to weather
Spring Forward? Fall back? Leap Year? Pat wonders about changing the time
Pat's letter to Santa She asks for some unusual gifts
Halloween Memories Is that Pat under the mask?
Cleveland Browns Opener 2007 Pat wants some answers
Scaredy Cat Pat Pat chats about Euclid Beach Park
My Dad - James Francis "Bud" Sweeney Pat chats about her dad on Father's Day
Can you hear me now? Pat chats about the noises in our life
Do you know your neighbors? Pat says we need more nosey neighbors
Music, music, music! Pat chats about family sing-alongs
Peaches in January? Pat chats about seasonal foods
It's a Dog's Life Pat chats about how we treat our dogs
Best Location in the Nation Pat chats about our 4 seasons
Gas Prices and Car Pooling Pat chats about sharing rides as a kid
Grade School memories Did we really have ink wells?
Why I still celebrate my anniversary though my husband is deceased
From winter to summer Pat finally puts away the snow shovels
Strange new foods Pat longs for a club sandwich on white
People Watching Pat chats about people leaving the store
The Black Toe Club Pat chats about a "happy" accident
Colors of Spring Pat wonders if Spring will ever come
Alternative Danny Boy words - By Request From Pat's Chat about the Irish Wake
Out of Step? Pat chats about being different from the norm
A younger male - at my age? Pat is smitten by youth and good looks
Back to School? Pat chats about the annual September ritual
Doilies, porch swings and the parlor Pat chats about changes in home furnishing
Ronald Reagan Pat chats about our 40th president
The "good" china and silver Pat chats about their real value
Pat chats about Customer Service More like Dis-service
Pat acts as Fashion Police And chats about Clothes and Fashion
A Very Special St Patricks Day Pat chats about the big day
The Superbowl Halftime Show Didn't you know Pat would Chat about this?
Colds and Flu Pat chats about remedies then and now
How can it be 2004 so soon? Pat chats about New Years
Christmases Past Pat looks back on the Holiday
What's for Dinner? Pat chats about foods - then and now
Cleveland's Changing Seasons As the weather turns cold, Pat chats about the changes in our lives
Where Do Grandma's Come From? Pat reminds kids that there was life before them
The Blackout! Pat chats about when the power went out
Ever have a Garage Sale? Pat chats about her latest adventure
From Paper X to FedEx Pat chats about how home delivery has changed
Happy 100th Bob Hope Pat says Thanks for the Memories
Telling the world all about ourselves Pat follows the clues
Feedback from the Old Time Candy Chat School kids want to make Turkish Taffy
Green Thumb? Hardly! Pat chats about being gardening-challenged
Valentine's Day Pat chats about the changes to this holiday
Reader Feedback Your responses to recent Chats with Pat
Jim Thome Pat chats about Thome's move to Philadelphia
TV Shows Pat chats about what's on the tube
Entertaining - Then and Now How partys, and we, have changed
More old-time candy (by popular demand) Remember wax lips, Pumpkin Seeds, Necco wafers, Turkish taffy?
Thank Heaven for Little Boys
Candy - The Staff of Life!
Enjoy yourself - what are you saving it for?
The Mystery of Time
Getting in Trouble
Chat with Pat - Terrorism hits the US
Chat with Pat - Playing Games
Chat with Pat - Introductory Column

Have something to share or a question to ask?
Want to chat with Pat? E-Mail Pat at: feedback@ClevelandSeniors.Com
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