Dear Webby Advice for Boomers & SeniorsGentle reader,
Though the technology has changed, life's problems seem to be the same year after year. People face the same social and family issues today that they did when we were youngsters. This advice column will consider some of your nagging questions and offer my gracious opinions in return. That's all they are - opinions. Not fact, not Gospel - just Dear Webby's opinions. Some questions will be answered by Webby privately if you leave your e-mail. Others that are of general interest will be posted for all to read.
Different Political Views than Friends Dear Webby cannot understand how intelligent people - friends - don't see the error of their thoughts and join her in her beliefs.
Worn out by Christmas already Dear Webby feels her pain and offers advice
Use coupon in restaurant when entertaining? Husband and Wife are split.
Father dating too soon After death of her mother
Death of a Friend How to best pay tribute to their life
Dating after death of Wife Is 5 months too soon?
Valentine's Day Hype Hubby doesn't want to buy gifts
Husband won't decorate Are the Holidays ruined?
Private holiday with immediate family Or the hubub of the whole clan?
Dating after Spouse's Death The kids don't like it!
Neighbor kids are too loud What can they do?
Husband turns thermostat way down and Wife is freezing
Mother- in-law Plays Favorites Prefers son over daughter
Sister won't pay bills on time Brother is concerned
Hubbie wants to cancel annual Florida trip Wife still wants to go
75 year old Husband drinks beer Throughout the day
Unwanted visitors Invite themselves for a stay
Grandpa plays favorites and Mom feels bad for her daughter

6 week summer visit from the grandkids
Two weddings on one day - Friend or Family?
Friends don't chip in on gas - and it is expensive!
Can't afford gifts this year
What gifts for those who have everything
Alone for Thanksgiving?
Hubby talking politics to everyone
Ask out a widow of only 3 months?
Found Skeltons in Closet after Dad's death
Full Figure a turnoff for web guys
Husband posed nude for art - Now what?
Dramatic appearance change - should you comment?

Husband's spending spree - "you can't take it with you"
Golf widow at the end of her rope
Too much e-mail from friends
Inviting ex'es to the new wedding
Wife is a bad driver
Granddaughter dresses like Britney Spears
Husband shoveling neighbor's walk angers wife
Avoiding contact to keep from getting the flu
Wife lies and brags to her brother's family
Shopping, wrapping and sending cards - Oh My!
Using coupons in a restaurant
Too "young and pretty" for the Seniors
Bored with Summer - What to Do?
Should I get that degree - at my age?
Son is not paying back a loan
Doesn't want to Donate Organs
Worried about the war and terror
Jealous of a husband's deceased first wife
Lonely and bored in a cold, dreary January
Same old New Years Eve with the gang or something new?
Where to spend the holidays - his family or mine?
Expensive holiday gift exchanges
Afraid of Trick or Treaters coming to the house
Forced to spend the Winter in Florida
Prenuptial agreement - yea or nay?
Out of town wedding invitations
Hubby's grandkids visit for a month!
Taking Fido wherever she goes
Flirty Husband getting worse
Returning unwanted gifts
Thanksgiving Meal situation
Unfavorable seating at a grandson's wedding
Cancelling plans with a gentleman caller
Friends don't include me in their plans
Marriage the 2nd time around
Hubby doesn't want me on the computer
Have a problem or comment for Dear Webby? E-Mail her at: webby@ClevelandSeniors.Com

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